What We Do
There are many causes staring at in around the society, but MARC Foundation decides to focus on following causes:
- Educational supports for rural and needy children for primary and secondary education
- Health and hospitalization help for poor and needy patients
- Palliate care supports for lone patients
- Provide Ambulance Services for needy in selected remote areas
- Provide mobile health unit and to organize health checkup and health awareness camps, seminars and workshops
- Assist local people with their all-round development including rural development
- To work against malnutrition
- To work for women empowerment
- Imparting soft skills to youngsters from marginalized communities to make them employable
- To create awareness on science and technology development and to promote scientific temperament in the society

MARC Foundation, a Not for Profit Organization and registered under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950 with registration no. E/20056/AHMEDABAD and year 2012 is organizing a five day Workshop on Science Writing to popularize science.
The five day workshop starting from August 20, 2018 to August 24, 2018 at Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad, has been catalyzed and sanctioned by Vigyan Prasar, an autonomous body under the Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India in which around 25 to 30 participants comprising of students from Journalism and Mass Communications, science journalists those who are in profession and those who intend to build their career as Science Journalists would be participating. Gujarat Council on Science & Technology (GUJCOST) under the Department of Science & Technology, Government of Gujarat has also agreed in principle to support the workshop.

The objective of the workshop is to create Science Communicators who would be highlighting scientific research, technological advancement and innovation to the general public of India.
Premier scientific and research institutes like Institute for Plasma Research (IPR), Ahmedabad has also agreed in principle to provide resource persons to impart trainings on core scientific research and its benefit for the general public to participants.
After the successful completion of the workshop, participants will be awarded certificates to be issued jointly by Vigyan Prasar, GUJCOST and MARC Foundation.